- cholepoiesis
- cho·le·poi·e·sis
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
cholepoiesis — Formation of bile. SYN: cholopoiesis. [chole + G. poiesis, making] * * * cho·le·poi·e·sis .kō lə .pȯi ē səs, .käl ə n, pl e·ses ē .sēz production of bile compare CHOLERESIS cho·le·poi·et·ic .pȯi et ik … Medical dictionary
cholepoiesis — … Useful english dictionary
choleresis — The secretion of bile, as opposed to the expulsion of bile, by the gallbladder. [chole + G. hairesis, a taking] * * * cho·le·re·sis .kō lə rē səs, .käl ə n, pl re·ses .sēz the flow of bile from the liver esp. when increased above a previous or… … Medical dictionary
cholopoiesis — SYN: cholepoiesis. * * * chol·o·poi·e·sis (kol″o poi eґsis) cholepoiesis … Medical dictionary
choleretic — 1. adjective Stimulating the production of bile by the liver. This drug has a strong choleretic effect. See Also: cholagogic, choleric, cholekinetic, cholepoietic, cholestatic 2. noun A … Wiktionary
cholepoietic — Relating to the formation of bile. * * * cho·le·poi·et·ic (ko″lə poi etґik) 1. pertaining to or characterized by cholepoiesis. 2. increasing the secretion of bile without a fall in its specific gravity … Medical dictionary
choleretic — 1. Relating to choleresis. 2. An agent, usually a drug, that stimulates the liver to increase output of bile. * * * cho·le·ret·ic .kō lə ret ik, .käl ə adj promoting bile secretion by the liver <choleretic action of bile salts> choleretic … Medical dictionary
choleresis — ˌkōləˈrēsə̇s, ˌkäl noun (plural cholereses ēˌsēz) Etymology: New Latin, from chol + resis (modification influenced by such words as diuresis of Greek rhysis flowing) more at stream : the flow of bile from the liver … Useful english dictionary
cholepoietic — adjective see cholepoiesis … Useful english dictionary