- muellerius
- muel·le·ri·us
English syllables. 2014.
English syllables. 2014.
Muellerius capillaris — Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Nematoda Class … Wikipedia
Muellerius — Muel·le·ri·us myü lir ē əs n a genus of lungworms of the family Metastrongylidae that include forms (as M. capillaris syn. M. minutissimus) infecting the lungs of sheep and goats and having larval stages in various snails and slugs Mül·ler muel… … Medical dictionary
muellerius — myüˈlirēəs noun Usage: capitalized Etymology: New Latin, probably from Fritz Müller died 1897 German zoologist : a genus of lungworms (family Metastrongylidae) that are nearly cosmopolitan in sheep and goats and have larval stages in various… … Useful english dictionary
Muellerius capillaris — One of the most common species of hair lungworms (subfamily Protostrongylinae) of sheep, goats, and deer. It is smaller than Dictyocaulus, inhabits the smaller bronchi and lung parenchyma, and is relatively nonpathogenic to its host … Medical dictionary
Veterinary parasitology — is the study of animal parasites, especially relationships between parasites and animal hosts, and their interactions. Parasites of domestic animals (livestock and pet animals) as well as wildlife animals are considered. Veterinary parasitology… … Wikipedia
Galba truncatula — Taxobox name = Galba truncatula image width = 225px status = NE regnum = Animalia phylum = Mollusca classis = Gastropoda subclassis = Orthogastropoda superordo = Heterobranchia ordo = Pulmonata familia = Lymnaeidae genus = Galba species = G.… … Wikipedia
Selected infectious and parasitic diseases of animals — ▪ Table Selected infectious and parasitic diseases of animals animal(s) affected name(s) of disease nature of disease Diseases of bacterial origin most mammals, chickens necrobacillosis, calf diptheria, bovine foot rot, necrotic hepatitis,… … Universalium
lungworms — Nematodes that inhabit the air passages of animals, chiefly in the family Metastrongylidae (or Protostrongylidae). See Aelurostrongylus, Crenosoma vulpis, Metastrongylus, Muellerius capillaris … Medical dictionary
hoose — also hooze hüz n verminous bronchitis of cattle, sheep, and goats caused by larval strongylid roundworms irritating the bronchial tubes and producing a dry hacking cough called also husk, lungworm disease * * * (h z) verminous bronchitis in sheep … Medical dictionary
MÑŒllerius — MÑŒl·le·ri·us (mu lerґe əs) Muellerius … Medical dictionary